Barnes - placing young students in the best of British schools since 1975. The British family organisation that selects quality host families and supports students in England. Always offering you a choice of suitable schools with no closing date for applications. The English school system is renowned worldwide for its excellent academic standards and supportive school environment. Live as an English teenager, away from large numbers of other international students. A visit prior to the stay is always welcomed.
Barnes Family Exchange OrganisationWe are former teachers based in England, providing a comprehensive service…more >>
Option 1State High School in EnglandStudy at a superb state high school in England (from 4 weeks to 2 years), while living with a carefully selected host family. more >>
Option 2State Boarding School in EnglandBoarding school education at around half the price of private boarding schools. more >>
Option 3Private Boarding School in EnglandStudy at one of the finest private boarding schools in Europe. more >>
Option 4Private School with Host Family in EnglandCombining private school education with living in the local community. more >>