A small selection of comments from past students and their
Martin's family are really happy after placing their fourth
child with Barnes which all started 8 years ago
Student: Martin Avello
Study Period: Sept 2020 to Dec 2020
We are happy to tell you that Martin arrived safe from
Chippenham and he is already at home with us.
He is glad to be back home after these four happy and enriching
months he has lived in the UK. Since he was a child he always
wanted to study in England and the experience has in no way let him
down. On the contrary, he has had a fantastic time there, being
fully integrated both at home, at the school and at the Golf club.
All has been perfect with special mention to his host family.
Martin felt at home with them.
This time again, we want to thank you for making it possible.
Eight years ago, we were looking for the best way for our children
to study in a school in England when we were lucky to find your
website while surfing the internet. It is now our fourth youngest
son who has successfully studied in an English School thanks to
your support. During all this time, we have very much appreciated
your very professional work. We will continue to recommend your
services to families we know.
After so many years and emails, we would have liked to meet you
in Bristol (it is not so far from Chippenham) but we have not been
able to visit Martin and his host family due to Covid 19.
Nevertheless, we would be very happy if you could visit us in Spain
sometime in the near future. So, do not hesitate to call us if
someday you come to Spain.
Maja finds her host family "just like home - her mum is very
Student: Maja Yan
Study Period: Sept 2016 to Jun 2017
Maja is enjoying her time in England very much. Her host family is
very, very friendly and Maja likes them all very much, "just like
home" she says. She is enjoying school as well and is happy with
her subjects.
Paul is happy with his host mother and the rowing
Student: Paul Schulze
Study Period: Sept 2016 to Jun 2017
Paul has settled in nicely and is particularly happy with his host
mother Teresa and the rowing, he also enjoys school.
Juan's mother is very happy with everything
Student: Juan Ponce de Leon
Study Period: Sept 2016 to Jun 2017
We are all extremely happy with the news, it sounds great the way
Juan is settling in and any time I speak with him, he praises his
host family, the school, the rugby teams he has joined and his
colleagues and new friends. He is also very happy with his Maths
and Physic teachers and praises also their teaching methods.
All in all wonderful news.
Martin's mother is very impressed with the private school in
Student: Martin Farnesi
Study Period: Sept 2016 to Jun 2017
Just a quick note to let you know that Martin seems to have
settled in well and I have been very impressed by the way the
school is communicating with us parents. There is a strong emphasis
on mind set, growth and development which I think will perfect for
Martin. I'd like to thank you again for the assistance you gave us
finding a school for Martin. I'd be very happy to write something
for your website…
Elisa's parents are very happy with her host family
Student: Elisa Portinari
Study Period: Sept 2016 to Jun 2017
We brought Elisa to her family on Sunday and had breakfast with
them. We are very happy with this family, they are so caring and
Isabella's mother says her school in England and host family
are both perfect
Student: Isabella Fontana
Study Period: Sept 2016 to Jun 2018
I have no words to express my gratitude for the choice of school
and family, both are perfect! Thank you.
Teachers and classmates integrated Leonard well, now his
brother will study in England with us
Student: Leonard Hinderer
Study Period: Sept 2015 to Jul 2016
We brought Leonard to Cornwall by car and we had the chance to
meet his host family. The Andrews are a very friendly family and
Leonard feels very happy to be with them. In addition, Leonard
feels comfortable at his school in England and likes his Surf and
Lifesaving Club training. Overall it seems to be an perfect
arrangement for Leonard. So we feel confident that Leonard will
have a wonderful time in Cornwall!
I want to give you just a short feedback to Leonards time in
Cornwall now he has returned home. First of all you found a
wonderful host family. Leonard felt at home and was really a part
of the Andrews-family. In addition, Leonard had a wonderful time at
his school in England. Teachers and classmates integrated Leonard
in the school community. He was very busy in learning and he joined
the "Duke of Edinburgh-Program". Finally, Leonard could do his life
saving sports and was very happy being a member of the local surf
life-saving club.
Sadly Leonard couldn't go to every training unit because the
public traffic didn't work reliable. But no one is to blame for
this. Overall, Leonard had a wonderful, unforgettable time in
Cornwall and he is really sad that his time there is over! Thank
you for your arrangement! Leonard is back and now his brother wants
to study in England. Therefore we would like to ask you to find a
host family and a school for him.
Emily's parents want to make known their appreciation
Student: Emily Bolay
Study Period: Sept 2015 to Jul 2016
We would like to thank you in person for the excellent and
professional service you have offered. I don't know how to make it
known, but really appreciated all you have done for Emily.
Many thanks and a lot of success for the future.
Emma welcomes her friends from England to Germany
Student: Emma Belgeri
Study Period: Sept 2015 to Jun 2016
Emma really appreciated her experience abroad and the time spent
at school, with friends and the host family.
A few weeks ago we hosted 6 girls visiting Emma from England and
it has been a real pleasure to see all them so close and
Thank you for the great experience Emma had and I sure she
will come again to say hello to the school, you and
Francesca's host parents in England really miss her
Student: Francesca German
Study Period: Sept 2015 to Jul 2016
I can't believe Francesca has left and is no longer living with
us. We are all missing her already and it feels strange not to have
her in the house with her endearing habits and gorgeous
We are so pleased that we have come on board with the hosting and
it has proved such an enriching, fulfilling and enjoyable process.
Please tell Francesca's parents that she has been an absolute
delight to host and became part of our family right from the
outset. She is an incredible girl: intelligent, funny, independent
and with a wisdom and clarity beyond her years. I am sure they are
very proud of her and we were proud to have her here as part of our
family for five months. We predict that she will go on to achieve
great things and are thrilled to have had her in our lives during
her time in England.
Malin is missing her school in England
Student: Malin Hirschegger
Study Period: Sep 2015 to Jul 2016
Malin has started back at her German school and is missing
her school in England and the Tomkins family. She really
enjoyed her stay there.
Many thanks for your support, your help and your great
work before and during Malin's study period in
Julia's parents are relieved she has such a friendly host
Student: Julia Werry
Study Period: Apr 2016 to May 2016
Although I know that Jan has written to you I also wanted to let
you know that the host family for Julia seems to be very nice
indeed! Very friendly people who seem to take it serious looking
after her. When I drove home I was absolutely relieved.
Also the school was great, very friendly and helpful staff!
We are very happy for Julia to have the opportunity to make such a
nice experience in GB!
Malin looks forward to returning after the Christmas break
Student: Malin Hirschegger
Study Period: Sept 2015 to Jul 2016
Malin arrived home happy, she feels very fine and is looking
forward to return to her host family and to school in England after
the Christmas break.
Marina enjoys her grammar school in England
Student: Marina Muramatsu
Study Period: Sept 2015 to Jun 2016
Marina is extremely happy with her host parents, their house, the
area and her grammar school.
When I talked to her on Skype a few hours ago, she was middle
of doing her homework and said her study was pretty tough but
enjoyed herself.
Well, thank you very much for all the work that you have done for
us which enable Marina to study in England.
I really look forward to seeing how Marina grows mature through
this experience.
Carlotta is very happy and so her parents are happy too!
Student: Carlotta Overheu
Study Period: Sept 2015 to Jun 2016
Carlotta feels very happy with her host family. Therefore Kristin
and I are very happy too!
Jule makes friends and manages life in England with ease
Student: Jule Sperling
Study Period: Sept 2015 to Jun 2017
I have been visiting Jule during her holidays. We enjoyed our time
together in Worcester, Birmingham and Oxford. I like Worcester very
much and so does Jule. It´s so much nicer than our Hanover. And I
am sure that Jule likes the place, the school, the teachers and her
host mum.
Emma invited me for lunch so I could get to know her. I saw that
Jule is fine and that she adapted very quickly to the new
situation. It was a little strange for me to see that my 16 years
old daughter manages life in another country with ease and that she
of course understands much more than I.
So everything is fine but I wouldn´t say that she enjoys her time
because she is working quite hard and spending most of her time in
the amazing library of Worcester. On the other hand she made
friends with a German and an English girl so that she isn´t
spending all her time in the library.
I hope that you and your little puppy are fine.
Marina still misses her friends from her school in England
Student: Marina Blanke
Study Period: Apr 2015 to Jul 2015
Marina still miss the friends from her school in England and
thinks a lot about her beautiful time in GB.
I´m very happy and grateful for all her host family gives her,
they are lovely. Perhaps one time we could give this back.
Marina learned so much in GB and made such a big step forward, I
get a new girl home. If she really could I think she would have
stay. As we spent time on holiday with her after her experience we
had a lot of time listening to all her experiences and adventures.
And she has time to lean back and get all in her memories. It is a
time she never will forget.
Julia's host really likes Julia
Student: Julia Schnittke
Study Period: Sep 2015 to Jun 2016
Thank you & all is going well with Julia so far, she's a real
pleasure to have around and we are getting along great.
It is hard for a mother to let her child go abroad but Fabio's
mother is reassured
Student: Fabio de Oliveira Pinto
Study Period: Sept 2015 to Jun 2016
After one week travelling through the midlands with really nice
weather we left Fabio at Teresa's house last week. We had dinner
with her and her son. She is really very nice. Fabio has a very
nice room and I think they will be good team in the next
On Friday was his introduction to the college and he is very happy
Also on Friday he had the first rehearsal at the orchestra.
So everything is going very well and although it is hard for a
mother to let the children go their way any time we are very
pleased and happy and grateful for the big experience he will have
while staying in England.
Thank you for the very good organisation and your
Our schools see the benefit of welcoming a small number of
international students
Study Period: Sept 2014 to Jul 2015
Thanina, Louison, Nora and Josephine finished with us on Friday -
I think they were all sad to leave, and we were sad to see them go!
Our students really are responding well to this programme and I am
looking forward to our new cohort starting in September!
Laura finds many friends at school in England
Student: Laura Biet
Study Period: Sept 2014 to Jun 2015
Laura is enjoying her stay in Essex very much. She has found many
friends and is a little sad that she has to return back to Germany
Ben is very enthusiastic about his life in England
Student: Ben Zimmerman
Study Period: Feb 2015 to May 2015
Thank you very much for your great effort to settle the things for
Ben. Mr Jenkins was very quick at organizing contacts, please pass
on our gratitude. Ben has already taken part in the debating club
and said it was an interesting experience. The violin group seems
to be a little more difficult, since Ben plays the viola, an
instrument which is not part of the ensemble. But Ben says that
nevertheless he has a lot to do at school and likes spending time
there. He very much enjoys the academic side at school and is
really into Physics now. We feel that everything is going well and
Ben is very enthusiastic about his life in England. So things
couldn`t be better! Thanks for that!!!
Tamara enjoys family life in England and find some great
Student: Tamara Zachen
Study Period: Jan 2015 to Jul 2015
I'm happy with my host family. They involve me into their family
life. I'm also getting along well with Josey and Jack. I've got no
problems with the language whether at home or at school. I found
some great friends at school. I'm able to play football and
Saxophone after school as well. I'm happy that everything turned
out so good.
Leandra feels very well supported for her study period in
Student: Leandra Feindseisen
Study Period: Feb 2015 to Mar 2015
Leandra is very excited about studying in England. The family is
very kind and helpful and the support from the school is very
Noa is coping well, especially for her age
Student: Noa Diaz Vidal
Study Period: Jan 2015 to Jul 2015
Noa arrived safely and is quite happy with her new situation. She
really copes well, especially for her age and we are all very happy
about the organisation and the choices you have made.
Ana finds many new friends at school in England
Student: Ana Kirschner
Study Period: Jan 2015 to Jan 2015
Ana`s time is already coming to the end. So far she definitely
enjoyed her stay. The Readers are extremely nice people, Ana
likes school and has found many friends. She even played in
the netball school team in a competition. So thank you very
Flora really benefitted from school in England
Student: Flora Somogyi
Study Period: Sept 2014 to Dec 2014
Happy New Year for you and your family as well! I planned writing
to you earlier to express our special thanks for organising this
semester for Flora. As I can see with my husband it was very
beneficial for her both with regards to learning and the individual
Tommaso found the teachers in England very attentive
Student: Tommaso Mignosa
Study Period: Sept 2014 to Dec 2014
I drop these few lines to thank you for your precious support for
our son Tommaso's term in Worcestershire. I want to underline that
Tommaso really enjoyed the time he spent at his school in England
and teachers were very attentive towards Tommaso and fully
available to support him.
The host family moreover was great and very kind with Tommaso in
any circumstances. I will share with friends your reference having
been overall enthusiastic.
Karina is happy and thinks about completing her second
Student: Karina Lockowandt
Study Period: Sept 2014 to Jun 2014
Last week I visited Karina and was very happy to see her. She is
very well and enjoying her time. She's good at school in such a
short time and I think she will stay the next year also.
Also thank you very much for the host mother. She is 100 %
the right person, and I´m very glad about that, too. I hoped that
distance was the right decision and I think it was. I say thank you
every day.
Rebecca recommends Barnes due to the direct relationship we
have with the students
Student: Rebecca Cicchetti
Study Period: Jan 2014 to Jul 2014
All I can say about Barnes Educational is that every time I've
needed an help while I was attending school in England I always
found the association so helpful and kind. Rachel is such a nice
person, she always helped me to overcome all the difficulties that
the year abroad makes you face. Every time I needed help with the
school she has been available, even when I came home she carried on
asking me how things were going and how it was to go back. I
recommend this Barnes Educational because of the direct
relationship that it has with the exchange students, contacting
them every month, or less, choosing good host families and nice
places to stay. I can see that I really enjoyed my stay in Kent and
I loved my host family, who were always really opened and nice with
me. They allowed me to host some friends of mine whenever I asked
to, they always cooked for me, they took me out for walks on the
beach and my host mother even helped me to bake a cake for my
birthday. The good thing of this association is that all the
exchange students get to know each other quickly. I've been sharing
the house with a German girl and I can say that it has been
amazing; my neighbour was a German exchange student from Barnes as
well and we got to know each other really quickly. My host mother
went to pick me up at the airport when I first landed in England,
she brought me to school the first day and helped me a lot in the
early days to make friends and to start feeling more comfortable in
the house.
I loved my six months exchange in UK and I can say that I would do
it thousand times again.
Many thanks to Barnes, to Rachel and to my host family.
Anne is so happy she thinks about extending to complete the
Student: Anne Neuhoff
Study Period: Sept 2014 to Dec 2014
First of all I settled down really well and I love England, the
college and my host family. That's why I'm writing you. I feel more
comfortable here than I thought and it's just an idea but is there
a possibility to stay for a whole year?
Henriette's mum is happy we helped them make the right
Student: Henriette Vogt
Study Period: Sept 2014 to Jun 2015
I am writing to let you know that Henriette seems to be very happy
. The school she says is great, her host family wonderful, she has
already made friends there and sounds very enthusiastic about
everything. So, thank you for helping us make the right
Henriette confirms she would recommend the experience to
Entschuldigen Sie die verspätete Antwort aber jetzt schreibe ich
ihnen von meinem ersten Monat hier in England.
Ich fühle mich sehr wohl hier, meine Gastfamilie ist sehr sehr
nett und ich mag sie wirklich gerne. In der Schule läuft alles
wunderbar, ich wurde vom ersten Tag an sofort aufgenommen und habe
sehr schnell neue Freunde gefunden, meine Fächer sind interessant
und die Lehrer hilfsbereit, wann immer man eine Frage hat, wird sie
auch bestmöglich beantwortet. Meine Gastfamilie hat mit mir bereits
einige Sachen unternommen, zum Beispiel waren wir am letzten
Wochenende in Whitby und fahren dort auch zum Gothwochenende wieder
hin. Und eine der anderen Gastmütter hat organisiert, dass
Caroline, Elisabeth und ich vor ein paar Woche nach Lincoln fahren
konnten, was ich wirklich toll fand.
Alles in allem ist es hier wundervoll, besser als ich es mir
vorgestellt habe. Ich hatte überhaupt keine Probleme mich
einzuleben, alle haben es mir so einfach wie möglich gemacht.
Ich kann diese Erfahrung nur an jeden weiterempfehlen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen von der Insel,
Henriette Vogt
Inge's next children also love the private boarding school we
place them at in England
Student: Nina and Simon Lange
Study Period: Sept 2014 to Jun 2015
Nina and Simon school is fantastic. They threw themselves into
school life, playing soccer and solos in a concert and learning
English. It is perfect. The admission tutor wrote to me the other
day that they "already spread some of their Star dust over the
School". They are fully accepted and welcomed. They get pretty high
marks already without having problems with their English.
Everything is extremely personal. So far it was - again - a very
good decision.
Best wishes
Karl is enjoying every bit of his study period in England
Student: Karl Schild
Study Period: Sept 2014 to Jun 2015
Karl has started his journey in Kent and he is enjoying every bit
of it. I just wanted to say thanks again for your organisation and
Julius' dad returns to Germany with a good feeling about
Student: Julius Schewe
Study Period: Sept 2014 to Jun 2015
Thank you for your quick replay. It was a good idea and Val,
Julius and I talked about that and we did what Val suggested and
Julius already got the travel card today!
The things are going on very well. Julius spent the first days
with Val and the host family and today he had his first time at
school. He is very pleased about his host family and the school and
the pupils he met there, so I am, too. Val is such a lovely host
mother and we had much fun while talking with her.
Thank you very much for all. Tomorrow I will travel back to
Germany and I have a very good feeling about everything.
Philippine was very sad to leave her host family - everything
was perfect
Student: Philippine Targowla
Study Period: Apr 2014 to Jul 2014
I want to give you some news after the return of Philippine.
Philippine, at the end of July, was very sad to leave her host
family. She loved these 3 months in Devon.
Everything was perfect : the family and the school. She enjoyed
very much going to school, the teachers were all very friendly and
she had a lot of school friends.
Nicky was a second mother for her, and she became very good friend
with Molly and also with Denny. She hopes she can return soon to

Francesco returns with a new attitude to learning foreign
Student: Francesco Armani
Study Period: Jun 2014 to Jul 2014
Francesco arrived home very very happy and in a great shape and
mood. He wishes he could repeat the same next year!
After a few words we immediately noticed that he'd improved
his English and his general attitude towards a foreign
language. Now he perceives it as a way to communicate and not as a
tough homework.
He enjoyed the school and the warm atmosphere of the Family.
We really appreciated the way that everything was organized
and well-handled.
Let's keep in touch!
Yaro's parents are happy to work with us
Student: Yaro Issakov
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Jun 2014
Yaro is very excited to start his life in England! We are very
happy having found you and working with you on this important
decision in Yaro's life. Two more of my younger sons are waiting to
get in to your hands to find their schools in UK.
Annabell hopes to stay in touch with her amazing host family
Student: Annabell Urban
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Jun 2014
I just wanted to say thank you for everything you've organised
this year. It has been amazing and the best year of my life so far.
I learned so much and met so many nice people and hopefully stay in
touch with the most of them. My host family was amazing and it was
so hard to say goodbye, but I'm sure I'll keep in touch with them,
hopefully forever. Thanks so much.
Gösta is full of praise
Student: Gösta Reissmann
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Jun 2014
Thanks a lot for making this fantastic stay possible. I really
enjoyed my stay in England. I wish you and your company best of
luck for the future. I would always recommend you as a great
organisation. I was very happy with your organisation and
Bernat's family appreciate our wise and professional
guidance placing him at a state boarding school
Student: Bernat Namba
Study Period: Sept 2014 to Jun 2016
I must say we feel relieved and very excited for the two years
awaiting Bernat at his state boarding school.
We hope and believe we have made the right choice, one which will
benefit him and positively shape his future life.
We are certain this would not have been possible without your wise
and professional guidance throughout the whole process, so we thank
you sincerely for all your work.
David's music continues to excel in England
Student: David Zimnol
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Jun 2015
David has been very well settled in England. He enjoys going to
school, playing violin in a semi-professional orchestra and
singing in a large choir, with whom he has performed already
the "War Requiem" by B.Britten. So it is good that he lives in the
city and can do a lot within walking distance. Even with the host
parents he has a good relationship. We are delighted that
David feels so comfortable and is very much encouraged in
Further feedback after the end of David's study period in
Since a few weeks David has been back in Germany. I wouldn't call
it "home" since he was "home" in England as well as here. He has
liked England from the beginning and he still likes it as much
(maybe even a bit more) than Germany.
We are very happy that David could get the opportunity to be
educated in such a brilliant school in England and that he could
learn a lot about the country and people there.
The life with his host family was very nice for David, also
because the house was close by the school. We are very happy that
they cared and helped when problems occurred for David. We are very
happy too that his host family has agreed to visit us next
David is very eager to see his IB results in the following days
and we are confident that the results will be very pleasing. From
September on David will start university and we think he has been
prepared well for his following studies.
We wanted to say a big thank you to you because without your
organization and help we could not have found such a good place for
David's education.
Thank you for all of your support for David and we will happily
recommend your organization. The time in England was the best that
could have happened to David and we are happy how it turned out in
the end.
Everything in Vittoria's English life was perfect
Student: Vittoria Ferrario
Study Period: Jan 2014 to Feb 2014
Vittoria is spending her last days and is a bit sad. Vittoria made
so many friends that she was not thinking about the weather and
that was fantastic. Everything in her English life was perfect and
she'll come home with such wonderful memories.
I want to thank you for your good work and hope that Vittoria will
return to England next year or sooner.
Marius feels lucky to have such a wonderful host family and
wants to stay longer
Student: Marius Kremer
Study Period: Mar 2014 to Jul 2014
I want to tell you that Marius is so happy to be in England. We
have luck, that he has such a wonderful host family.
Marius comments: I'm really having a great time studying in
England, and I don't want to spend too many thoughts about going
home because I would definitely like to stay longer, maybe forever.
But this is unfortunately not the case.
Saskia enjoys life in England
Student: Saskia Lorenz
Study Period: Jan 2014 to Jul 2014
Saskia feels very comfortable at Dawn and Tony´s house and also
likes very much the further family. They are warm-heated, friendly
and humorous and she says she can talk to them about everything,
even private affairs. At the moment she doesn´t need us so much
anymore and I think that´s good. In the beginning it was a bit
strange but we are very relieved that she enjoys her life so
much...and we still have her sister :-) At
school she has found many new friends and she likes going there
very much. Mr Townsend takes care of her as well as her female
tutor and from the beginning a really kind student. Meanwhile
she even meets some English friends privately.
Mimi's time in England was very worthwhile
Student: Natascha Bauer
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Jun 2014
Next week Mimi will start the new year in the school. When she
came back she didn't have problems to integrate in the school. I
think her time in Plymouth was very worthwhile for her.
Aimee's parents were very, very happy with her host family
Student: Aimee Drescher
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Jun 2014
We (and Aimee of course) are very, very happy with the Fereday
family. We have the feeling that nothing better could have happened
to Aimee as she was welcomed and is treated with such a warmth,
friendliness and care we absolutely feel safe and happy with the
Seems you have a nose for fitting constellations ;-))
Sofia's parents praise her private boarding school in
Student: Sofia Ginocchio
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Jun 2014
We would like to thank all of you for providing a conducive and
comfortable learning environment and happy leaving for our daughter
Sofia Ginocchio.
Your lovely and wonderful teachers are truly dedicated ones. The
short learning experience for our daughter has been an enjoyable
one. Our daughter had no difficulty adapting to the school and
to new subjects. We sincerely applaud the staffs for
Special thanks to the teachers and all the staff for their
relentless dedication and patience in nurturing our daughter
during these 4 months. She had been joyful from day 1 of the
program. We believe your passion and professionalism in nurturing
the children are the key factors leading to her being enthusiastic
in school.
The staff have always been cheerful, helpful and prompt in giving
their support to Sofia when needed.
She will carry this marvellous experience in her heart through her
Helena loves her school and her host family
Student: Helena Dammasch
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Jun 2014
Helena is very well and is having a great time. She loves her
school and her host family.
Thank you again for your fantastic work to find both.
Tessa feels very good in her host family
Student: Tessa Sprenger
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Jun 2014
Tessa does really enjoy her first term and she feels very good in
her host family.
The chemistry is right after we decide to move Lea to different
host family
Student: Lea Pflug
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Jun 2014
Lea is very happy with the host family. She enjoyed the trip to
London, the Shard and the lots of information she got from Ginny
and her mother. But also the daily family life is a positive turn
by 180 degrees compared to the situation before.
Isabella feels very relaxed with her host family
Student: Isabella Laesser
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Jun 2014
We are happy to hear from Isabella that she feels very well with
her host family and we appreciate it very much that Isabella is by
the sea. We would like especially thank you for that nice host
family in which Isabella has lived. We are very, very happy with
this selection.
Now she is for more than one month in England and Isabella has
no homesickness. She says that she feels very relaxed with Linda
and John. And Linda cooks very well!!! Linda and John are very nice
and they will go with Isabella also to the parents-meeting at
school. Thanks a lot for your assistance.
Natascha's family appreciate seeing where Natascha will study
and live
Student: Natascha Bauer
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Jun 2014
We enjoyed our visit to Devon, especially getting acquainted to
the really nice family Tomkins Natascha will join. The school also
gave us a very good impression therefore we are sure, that Natascha
will have a great year in England.
Nora was sad to leave her school and her new friends in
Student: Nora Sacerdotti
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Dec 2013
All went well: Nora was very happy in England (and not so happy to
leave the school and the new friends) and we are pleased about her
Hanna appreciated us agreeing to change her family and for
acting extremely fast
Student: Hanna Moedder
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Dec 2013
I really enjoyed England and it was a pleasure to go to the school
you recommended. Once again, I thank you for taking my wish to
change the family seriously and for acting extremely
Ana and Pedro made very good friends and had
an exceptional and successful experience
Student: Ana and Pedro Avello
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Dec 2013
First of all, we would like to let you know that everything has
happened in the best possible way. Both Ana and Pedro have been
fully integrated in their families and in the school life. They
have been very happy with their host families who happened to be
great persons. They both joined the local tennis club where they
have made very good friends indeed.
We were so fortunate to be able to visit them for a few days in
the second half of October. Their families were so kind to invite
us to live with them and we had a wonderful time. We also visited
their school, where we met some of our children's teachers as well
as the Head Teacher who we found to be a very talented and nice
woman leading a very good school.
It has been an exceptional and successful experience for Ana and
Pedro and for us too. I hope we can repeat with their younger
brothers in just a few years.
We would like to thank you for your very professional work and the
time you have dedicated to us, and in particular for successfully
finding a place for Pedro in a more difficult year group to place
students in.
State Boarding School applicants appreciate our very reactive
Student: Guillaume and Juliette Parchet
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Jun 2014
We were very happy to work with you. You were very reactive during
this search process, so we wanted to be reactive for your
Klare's mother is calm knowing Klare is in safe care
Student: Klare Ensslin
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Dec 2013
Kläre is really happy with Selena, Luther, Oakley and Pasha. We
are both totally impressed how she gets along with the English
language and all the new and unknown situations.
She enjoys a family life with children and says, she now really
knows what she always missed, being the only child at her
You did a really good job choosing this host family and also the
school in Devon for Kläre. Thanks a lot!
And here in her school some of her classmates think about
following in Kläres' footsteps for her reports are without
exception positive.
We are nearly calm now, knowing she is in the safe care of
Moritz has fun with his new friends
Student: Moritz Zeibig
Study Period: Sept 2013 to Dec 2013
I want to say thank you very, very much to you. Moritz is very
happy. Sue and Mike are great. They seem to be lovely
with him. Moritz has found nice friends. They meet and
have fun together.
Lorenz was very impressed
Student: Lorenzo Guidetti
Study Period: Jun 2013 to Jul 2013
Just to inform you that Lorenzo returned to Italy and everything
was good. He was very impressed about everything to do with his
study period.
Thank you for your cooperation and your assistance.
Belen is happy and relaxed
Student: Belen Esteban
Study Period: Jun 2013 to Jul 2013
Just to tell you that Belen looks happy and relaxed. She is very
well settled with the Powers family and in the school.
Giovanni's mum is happy with our alternative to a language
Student: Giovanni Barsotti
Study Period: Jun 2013 to Jul 2013
Giovanni had a great experience. Both the school and host family
were marvellous, nothing like the usual language experiences that
Italian kids get. I will recommend you to all my friends.
Grove House is pleased with the guardianship service we
provided for Leonie
Student: Grove House (Graham Smith)
Study Period: Sept 2012 to Jul 2013
Many thanks for all your checking (and rechecking!) regarding
Leonie to ensure we have known her movements over the last year. It
has been a pleasure dealing with a guardian that has been as
organised as you have been and it has helped us enormously in our
planning for weekend and holiday periods.
Louise quickly gets into the full swing of school life
Student: Louise Perin
Study Period: Jun 2013 to Jul 2013
Thank you very much for the feedback from the school and host
family (below). We have spoken to Louise and she is very much
enjoying the school and the students. She also feels very good with
her host family. Thank you for this good organisation.
"The school has said that Louise is a lovely girl and getting into
the full swing of school life. Her host family has also been full
of praise for Louise and think that she is a great girl."
Tim's mother is very happy for the good and safe
Student: Tim Korom
Study Period: Sept 2012 to Jun 2013
It´s now a week since Tim returned from the UK. We are glad to
have him back.
It has been an important year for him and he has become a lot more
independent and responsible. We are so pleased that you provided a
good and safe solution to make those experiences possible. Thank
It was sad for him though that he had to leave his first home. He
is still in contact with his first "parents" and they are going to
visit us end of summer.
Thank you again for all your help.
Have a successful development of your business
I have already recommended you to some people.
Mia really enjoyed her time despite initial reservations
Student: Mia Cloix
Study Period: April 2013 to May 2013
Mia, who at the beginning wasn't so happy to go to England, very
much enjoyed it.
She appreciated her host family, spending time with the boys of
the family and the friends at the school. She would stay longer if
it was possible. Thank you for organising everything.
Christopher adjusts to Year 10 back in Germany with relative
Student: Christopher Schulenberg
Study Period: Sept 2012 to Feb 2013
I do appreciate your information about Christopher's Maths module
mark. I am as well very pleased with his achievement!
So far, Christopher has settled in well in Germany. As he has
already known quite a few people in his new class from lower years,
it was not difficult for him to adjust to Year 10 here. He is
really doing well in English, Math and Physics, but has to do quite
some catching up in subjects like Latin, German or Biology. But
this was to be expected and he still would not miss his time in
England. He really enjoyed staying with Sue and Paul and studying
in England. Thanks again for making it possible. Christopher´s
sister cannot wait to go abroad, too.
Carolina felt well supported
Student: Carolina Birlin
Study Period: Sept 2012 to Feb 2013
Carolina - I really enjoyed my stay in England and I gained many
new experiences that I will always remember! Thank you for the good
support in this time.
Carolina enjoyed her stay in England. She liked her host family,
met new friends and is very interested in British topics now.
Nevertheless we are glad to have her back. Finally we want to
say thank you for your very good organisation and care for
Carolina's trip to England.
Lorenzo made excellent experiences
Student: Lorenzo Pechstein
Study Period: Sept 2012 to Mar 2013
Next week Lorenz time in Great Britain will run out. He made
excellent experiences and we thank you for the organisation.
I think my son Mathias is a very lucky boy
Student: Mathias Delnoy
Study Period: Sept 2012 to Jun 2013
Thank you for finding this great family for Mathias. We went with
Mathias last weekend to discover the area where he will live.
Everything is perfect. It's such a nice town to go to school in and
almost a dream living next to the sea. I think that my son is a
very lucky boy. Sally and Stuart are great. I'm sure they will take
good care of Mathias. I'm not worried to leave my son with
Every time we have Mathias on the telephone, he's very
enthusiastic about everything. I'm looking forward to hear about
the school this evening. He will join a sport club and
Thank you again, you did a great job. Mathias will have a great
time in the UK, I hope he will come back to Belgium in
Irma will miss her wonderful host family
Student: Irma Franz
Study Period: Sept 2012 to Feb 2013
It has been a lovely time in England, although it went really
fast. I'm sure I'll miss my wonderful host family and the
Arthur and Simon were very (very) pleased with their stay in
Student: Arthur and Simon
Study Period: Sept 2012 to Dec 2012
I wanted to thank you because Arthur and Simon are very (very)
pleased with their stay in England. Everything was very well
They were sad to come back to France.
They had a very pleasant life. Their host families were perfect.
Simon and Arthur got really attached to them. They made a lot of
friends at school.
Our daughter is thinking about doing a stay in England like her
Maria is sad to leave England
Student: Maria Carnarius
Study Period: Sept 2012 to Feb 2013
I am just writing to thank you for everything Barnes did for me to
make my experiences in England as pleasant as possible. I really
enjoyed my stay in England and I was very sad to leave three days
Thank you very much for all your efforts!
Andressa had an amazing time
Student: Andressa Araoujo
Study Period: Feb 2012 to Jul 2012
It's time to thank you very much for your fantastic work. Thanks a
lot also to your local representative!!! You did a fantastic
Andressa had a wonderful time with her host family and their
daughter and with all her friends at school.
There are no critics from Andressa. She is very thankful for the
marvelous stay in GB!
We picked her up and stayed in London for the beginning of the
Olympics. It was amazing too!
Hortense made some really nice friends
Student: Hortense Herphelin
Study Period: 6 weeks Jun 2012
We picked up Hortense on Saturday. I want to tell you that she
enjoyed her stay a lot; the host family was very kind to her, she
met really nice friends and wishes she was still in England...
Philippine's father is very happy with her host family
Student: Philippine d'Hébrail
Study Period: 6 weeks Jun 2012
We were very happy to meet Philippine's host family this weekend
and we are delighted that they are hosting our daughter.
Thank you very much Rachel for all that you did.
Dario will return to see his friends
Student: Dario Stänicke
Study Period: Sept 2011 to Apr 2012
I have been back in Germany for two and a half great weeks now.
School has started this week - it feels quite strange going to a
German school again.
I really had a great time in England. I met loads of interesting
and 'cool' new people. Now I am planning to return to England in
the summer for one week and stay at a friend´s house, so I can see
everyone again.
I just wanted to thank you so much for making all that
I was happy with my host family and with your organisation in
general. After these great experiences I made I recommend everyone
to do such an exchange time, especially with your organisation.
Eléonore wants to return to England
Student: Eléonore Barlatier
Study Period: 4 weeks Feb 2012
Eléonore is now in her last week at her school in England. She has
really enjoyed her stay there. She has made lots of friends and
enjoyed staying in her host family.
I would like to see if it is possible to organise another stay for
her this year when school is over in France until the end of the
school year in the UK - in the same school and staying with the
same host family.
Henri's homesickness was almost non-existent
Student: Henri Wieland
Study Period: 6 weeks Jan 2012
We are glad that Henri stayed in Nottinghamshire for the six
weeks. It was a good experience for him to attend a British school
and he had a great time with his host family. They looked after him
well and entertained him and their son together. Homesick almost
was non-existent.
I think we will come back to you in the future to arrange another
stay for our second daughter or Henri again.
Luisa reflects on studying English in England
Student: Luisa Mirow
Study Period: 6 weeks Jan 2012
The six weeks in England were a great time for me and they have
passed much too fast!!! Thank you for everything you have done for
me to make this stay possible! I really enjoyed the time and it was
a very important experience for me!
Today was my first day at school back in Germany and it was really
busy...I have to find a way back to my "normal" life again because
in my mind I am still "living" in England...
Thank you again for everything! You chose the perfect host family
and school for me! It was such a great time!
Steven is more than satisfied
Student: Steven Kleinegesse
Study Period: Sept 2011 to Jul 2012
I am having a great time here! I couldn't have chosen
I want to thank you again for directing me to this school; I am
more than satisfied!
Jonas' first term goes well
Student: Jonas Schwarting
Study Period: Sept 2011 to Feb 2012
The first term in England is going to be finished soon. Jonas is
very happy about the school. Sixth form is ideal for him although
sometimes he has to work quite hard. The teachers are very helpful
and he thinks that they can explain things better than his teachers
in Germany. The other students are very friendly, too. So overall
he enjoys the school. He also loves his guest family. You actually
did a very good choice. They are lovely people. I got to know them
when I came to England in September. The time in England is an
outstanding experience for Jonas.
We thank you again for your great support in organizing the stay
in England. We always appreciated your friendly and helpful contact
in writing.
We also thank the school for offering the opportunity to be
integrated into English school life.
Please let the headmaster know that the college is excellent in
teaching and preparing students for life.
Isabel settles in quickly
Student: Isabel Pinkowski
Study Period: Sept 2011 to Jun 2012
Having taken Isabel to her host family's over the weekend I'm now
back at home. Donna and Ian were very welcoming and I'd like to
thank you for finding them for Isabel.
Indeed, Isabel seems to be quite happy - that's also my
impression. Isabel sounds very cheerful and she also only says
positive things about her host family.
Thank you for your excellent service.
Ernesti's father is pleased
Student: Ernesti Lente
Study Period: Sept 2010 to Jun 2011
I just wanted to thank you for the great service and support you
provided for us. I was highly satisfied and pleased to have you as
an organisation. You gave me the feeling that Ernesti had great
support throughout his year.
We will definitely recommend your organisation.
Alexander looks forward to returning to England after
Student: Alexander Moeller
Study Period: Sept 2010 to Apr 2011
Looking back we and Alexander are highly pleased with his
advancement and his experiences he has made so far.
The school, which you proposed, provides a demanding and assisting
atmosphere and we are glad that you could procure a place for him
there shortly before the start of the school year.
And we are glad that you have accommodated him with Kim. She cares
for him very responsibly, integrates him to a superior extent in
her spare time activities (including trips to London) and helps him
to improve his English. Although being happy to be with us again
Alexander is also looking forward to returning to England.
Lynn had a wonderful time in England
Student: Lynn Tϋrk
Study Period: 4 weeks June 2010
Now that Lynn is back home, we would like to inform you that
she had a wonderful time in England. You have done a great job by
recommending this extraordinary school and especially by choosing
this lovely family.
Felix excels at boarding school
Student: Felix Stoermer
Study Period: Sept 2009 to Jun 2011
We want to thank you so much for making the contact with Felix's
school two years ago. Felix has completed his IB with 28
Keep on the good work!
Annina's parents are very happy
Student: Annina Sawatzki
Study Period: Sept 2009 to Apr 2010
Annina stays in Great Britain since three weeks now. She feels
very good. The host mum Emma and the whole family are very friendly
and nice and her school is fantastic.
We want to say thank you once more for your amazing fast searching
for a school and a family.
Annina and we are very happy.
Thank you!!!!
Claire felt very much at home with her host family
Student: Claire Rogerson
Study Period: Sept 2008 to Feb 2009
We'd like to thank you very much for your contribution to Claire's
successful stay in Devon.
She was particularly fortunate with her family, Jan and Bob. They
were excellent hosts and very caring substitute parents. They were
kind and understanding and made Claire feel very much at home. They
were most helpful with all logistical problems and good tourist
guides around Devon and Cornwall. At the end of the six months,
farewells were not easy on both sides!
Luna finds it difficult to return to Germany
Student: Luna Fischer
Study Period: Sept 2008 to Feb 2009
First of all me and Luna we want to thank you for your great
organisation of Luna's stay in England. She is very glad with her
lovely host family as well as with the school and county of Kent
itself, which has some really very charming places to visit.
Rowena as your local representative was a very kind and caring
Luna really enjoyed her stay in England and now it is going to be
hard for her to leave. But I am sure she will come back
So once again thank you for everything. I hope a lot more students
will benefit from your organisation.
Martin is still in contact after nearly 30 years
Student: Martin Steffens
Study Period: 1983
Dear Gaynor and Peter,
it was lovely talking to both of you tonight.
That made my day! :-) Lots of memories of a wonderful and
formative period of my life are popping up just now - in 2013 it
will be 30 years since I studied in England!
A second home was born for Gregor in England
Student: Gregor Pechstein
Study Period: Sept 2009 to Feb 2010
The first days I was really excited when I sat in Flugzug airport.
When I arrived in Devon my host family gave me a warm welcome - my
parents and I had already visited before. In the first days of
school, I quickly felt very comfortable. After a short time a
second home for me was born. All the time in England I didn't say I
was returning to my home, I always said "going back to
The day and the school
In school I was welcomed kindly by the students and teachers.
Soon, I found many new friends. The teachers were always very
helpful and treated us, the high school students, as equal adults.
The English school system is much more specific than the German.
You select a maximum of five courses, but most of my friends as I
had chosen only four subjects. In the courses we always had two
teachers and, because we had so few courses, the subject matter was
much more intense.
As an exchange student you are much more independent than at home.
If you need help there is naturally support available, often from
host family, but also by from friends or at school by teachers.
Overall you are treated much more independently and you learn from
this independence. This has been a very positive experience.
Johanna makes lots of friends in England
Student: Johanna Merzenich
Study Period: Sept 2008 to Feb 2009
My name is Johanna Merzenich and I come from Düsseldorf. I decided
to spend half a year (1.5 English school terms) in England.
Therefore my family and I contacted the Barnes organisation.
My time in England started in September 2008 because school
started on the 3rd of September and ended in February 2009. My
mother accompanied me when I flew to Southend.
I had a very good first impression of my host family. They didn't
have any young children in the house which was something new for me
because I have got three siblings. When I first met them they were
very welcoming and seemed to be happy about a new student from
I arrived a few days before school began so I had time to get to
know the area around the school in Essex. I was happy because the
house in which I should be living was 5 walking minutes distant
from the school. The other German students arrived in Southend on
the same day. Altogether we were five boys and girls, so quite a
small group. We got to know each other on one evening before school
started. I am still in contact with these guys and it was a great
and funny time we had together.
On my first day in school I was at least as excited as on the
first meeting with the other guys. Luckily we all went to the same
school so that no one had to go on their own. School started at
8.40, quite a bit later than in Germany. When we arrived there we
were sent into the Sixth Form common room, a special room only for
Sixth Form students where they can hang out in free lessons, chat
or do any homework or revising. In the common room there were
already lots of other students. I was glad to have the other
Germans around me because otherwise I would have felt a bit lost.
After everyone was attendant in the common room we were sent into
the Assembly Hall. There we were divided into four forms. I was in
a form together with one of the German boys. A form is like a
class, you meet every day to registration before you go to lessons.
There is a form room and you have a form teacher. You also decide
things like car boot sales or charity things. If there is any
problem or you are not satisfied with any subject you can go to
your form teacher and talk with him or her about your
In Sixth Form students have to choose just 4 subjects. I took
Maths, Biology, English Literature and Media Studies. Additional
there are the compulsory subjects. Just four subjects seem to be an
alleviation in comparison to the at least twelve subjects in
Germany but there is a lot of hard work and it is not always as
relaxing as it sounds. I met many new people in the lessons, in my
form and also in the common room.

On the weekends we also went to the town centre of Southend. But
very often we visited London by train in just forty minutes. We
normally spent a whole day there for sightseeing or just
Because in the first half term our contact with the English
students was limited to talking in school we didn't do anything
together with them on the weekends. But in the second half
term the contact improved and we were invited to parties and met
them on the weekends.
A highlight was the Sixth Form Party which was a few days before
the Christmas holidays. The party was going on in a club at the
seaside and the whole Sixth Form was invited. It was great fun and
again we got to know many new people.
One of my subjects -English Literature- was a great success. Not
only that the subject was something completely new for me it was
also the subject I enjoyed the most. We visited a lecture and a
museum in London and through these trips I got to know new
students. Two students I am still in contact with became very good
friends. They came from Zimbabwe in Africa and after we got to know
each other better we spent weekends with each other. We went to the
cinema, to London or to the big fun park in Southend.

To sum up I can say that the time in England not only improved
my English it also made me more independent and made me pay more
attention on different things e.g. my money.
It was very sad when my half year was over and I had to say
goodbye to my form, my German friends, my host family and the
English friends. I didn't want to leave because especially in the
last time we met so many new people that the time was bad to leave.
But everyone promised us to stay in contact and I am still in
contact with some of them.
Finally I can say that I can just recommend my time and it was a
great experience. I grew in my independence and in my confidence. I
am happily looking back on my time and am glad not to have missed
Hannah from Switzerland benefits from her late
decision to study in England
Student: Hannah Fehlberg
Study Period: Sept 2008 to Christmas 2008
I spent nearly four months in a south-eastern English town in
Essex. These four months were some of the best in my life. I met so
many lovely people and I was able to get to know and to enjoy
British culture. Furthermore my knowledge of the English language
made a jump ahead.
During my summer holidays I thought about spending a few months in
England. This was quite late because school starts in the beginning
of September. But Ric of Barnes Educational Services was very
helpful. He established contact with the school in Essex, delivered
my application and other documents and found a wonderful host
family for me. So I was able to be in England only four weeks after
my decision.
As well he was taking care of smaller things like organising a
taxi from the airport to my new home. (In the taxi I had my first
long conversation in English - the taxi driver was quite a
chatterbox). My parents were appeased because they knew that there
is someone in England who could help in any cases on short notice.
During my stay I had contact with the Barnes local representative
in my town. She organised several meetings where I met with other
exchange students.
Like every other exchange student I was nervous how my host family
would be. But I was really lucky. When I first arrived they hugged
me and told me that they were happy to have a new child. I had
two siblings but they lived abroad most of the time. However, I did
not regret because this way my host parents had more time for me :)
I felt like being part of the family. We spent a lot of leisure
time together. Once we visited my host sister in Brighton and on
Saturdays we went to the swimming pool to do aquafit. Whenever I
had a question I could ask for an explanation.
Teachers and the head of college were really supportive. The
atmosphere between students and teacher is more amicable than in
Switzerland. The lessons were interesting and I learned a lot. I
also took part in some test exams and was quite content with the
It was not always easy especially not in the beginning but I would
not miss anything. I think my English improved and I found out that
English people sometimes have a different way to see things than
people in Switzerland do. I know that this was not the last time
being in England because I fell in love with the people and the
I think the stay has changed me. I feel more independent and I can
see certain things from a different point of view. I would
recommend everyone should participate in such an
experience who is interested in a different culture (England's
culture is different to the Swiss even if you do not think so ...)
and who wants to improve a foreign language. I had a wonderful time
with my host family. We were all sad when I had to leave.
I am really satisfied how Ric of Barnes organised my time in
England. Everything went very well. I can recommend Barnes
Educational Services to pupils wishing to study in a college in
Great Britain.
Julia excels at boarding school in England
Student: Julia Freyer
Study Period: Sept 2007 to Jun 2009
We want to tell you that we have had only good experiences with
your company and with Julia's stay in the UK.
Mr. Peter Barnes had always an open ear and gave us so many advice
and support. He is so nice and warmhearted. Thank you very much.
You are really great. It was an exciting time for all.
The school is really a great school with very good teachers,
excellent tutors, excellent Sixth Form, and very nice staff at the
boarding house. The A-Level students receive comprehensive and
competent support. Special thanks to Julia's tutor and Ms
Julia has completed her A-Level at the school with 5 A grades at
A-Level: in Mathematic, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology and German.
She took also Grade 6 and 7 in the saxophone exams. She had such a
smile on the result day last year in the First Class Newsletter
from the school.
Julia was house captain at the boarding house in the second year.
A special thanks to Mr. Martindale. Julia met so many friends from
so many different countries. She is still in contact with their
friends from England, Hong-Kong, Dubai, Italy …
Last but not least, now Julia is studying Medicine at the
University of Aberdeen in Scotland, because she wants to be a
Julia is so happy. She loves the country, language and people in
the UK. This is the country where she wants to live and work. This
is not very easy for us, but when she is happy then we are happy
too. Our Problem is: we have to learn English now!
And we have found a new holiday destination: England and Scotland.
It's really great and beautiful. The Landscape is spectacular and
the people are fantastic. The Lake District is our favorite.
We can only say thank you very much for all. Peter has suggested
the best school. We would like recommend Barnes Educational
We wish you a very good summer holiday. Best wishes to you and
your family, especially to Peter. You did a great job.
Carolin reflects on her stay in England
Student: Carolin Boes
Study Period: Sept 2006 to Jun 2007
I still remember my year in Essex very well although it's been
three years now that I left England. I can imagine that it is
always nice and helpful for you to learn what kind of experiences
the students have made during their stay as well as afterwards
regarding the benefits in further life after their year
My English language skills improved significantly during my stay
in England and still I feel very comfortable in speaking and
writing English as I don't have to think about grammar and phrases
anymore. Of course I don't remember all the words I used to know
when I was in England because there are simply not enough occasions
to speak English here at home. However, I am still in touch with
friends from England and especially with my host family (Christine
+ family) who I visit every year - last year she came over to see
us for a week which was very nice. I notice that as soon as I
am in Essex again for a few days, the language skills come back
into my head and the conversations are fluent and as if I hadn't
been away.
I am currently doing an apprenticeship in Hamburg working for an
export company where I need my English language skills every
All in all I have to say that the year in England was a very
useful and above all a unique experience for me and I would
definitely do it again.
I know that the changing school system in Germany makes it more
difficult now. Still I hope that students won't stop to realise
such an experience is definitely an advantage when applying for a